Dominican community of Peace Center and members of the URI Pakistan organized the
celebration of Symphony of Peace Prayers at the premises of Peace Center in Lahore,
Pakistan. This ceremony was held on 22nd of May, 2011- the day the World Peace Prayer
Society, Japan announced to observe.
The celebration was part of the international ceremonies, being observed in 43 countries. This way we felt very much united with the global community and peace loving people of various religions and spiritual traditions. We felt strong current of peace waves in observing this ceremony while a group of over 60 men, women, youth and children, from Muslim, Christian and Hindu communities gathered together to express our longing for peace and harmony in our country and all around the world. There were religious leaders, social workers, human rights activists, children youth, women and members of various NGOs who participated in the SOPP. The Children of Basharat-e-Ibn-e-Marian School and ABC for All School in Lahore presented very moving tableaus, songs and dances. These dances were on harmony and world peace.
Fr James Channan, URI Regional Coordinator Pakistan gave opening speech in which he welcomed all the participants and shared with them the significance of this day announced by the World Peace Prayer Society. He said that today as our country and several other countries are going through a lot of unrest, terrorism, war like situations and violence, it’s of prime importance to pray and work for peace. He gave history of the SOPP in Japan and also his rich personal experience and that of Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad, Grand Imam of the Badshahi Mosque Lahore, of participating twice in the SOPP at Fuji Sanctuary, Japan. He expressed his extreme joy and admiration of participating in this event in Japan in which more than 10,000 people from various religions and spiritual traditions had participated. He said that toady we are offering prayers and joining peace loving people around the world who are longing for peace and respect for every human persons in the world. He also read message sent from Mrs. Masami Saionji, Chairperson of the World Peace Prayer Society for this special occasion in Lahore.
her message Mrs. Saionji said; “I can find no words to express my deep admiration
and respect for you today. While living in stressful times, doing your utmost to
meet the challenges of each changing moment, you have nonetheless found time to
gather today at the Peace Center in Lahore to pray for peace – not only in Pakistan,
but in all countries of the world! What precious beings you are! I am so inexpressibly
proud to be able to join hands with you today, and to offer these words of congratulations.”
She highly admired the efforts of the people of Pakistan to promote peace and hold SOPP every year. Mrs. Saionji said,” Each year, the peace-loving people of Pakistan have gathered together in holding uniquely wonderful SOPP ceremonies, and this year’s ceremony is particularly meaningful. This year, the world is in a period of rapid change. At this crucial time, your activities are unleashing an amazing, creative wave of peace that spreads to all places, becoming the hope of humanity and the mainstay of the Earth’s future. I can clearly feel that, thanks to your unshakeable will and existence, peace will become a reality in the world.” Mrs. Saionji expressed her deep gratitude and admiration for the concern and prayers of the people of Pakistan for the people of Japan who had been severely affected by the devastating earthquake on 11th of March. For this gesture of solidarity she wrote; “On behalf of all Japanese people, I heartily thank you.”
After the message of Mrs. Masami which was also translated in Urdu, Speeches by young ladies; Miss. Zara Pervaiz and Miss. Naseem Sadiq. Sr. Sabina Rifat – URI Women Coordinator Pakistan, recited her beautiful poems on world peace and our role in bringing peace.
Hafiz Ghulam Farid Deputy Director of interfaith relations from the Minhaj-ul- Quran International presented a message of congratulations on this occasion as well and appreciated the efforts of peace and harmony. He said Islam means peace, every Muslim prays for peace five times daily after obligatory ritual prayers, and repeat the word salam meaning peace again and again. He said Islam is against every kind of terrorism & extremism. Islam is a religion of love, tolerance, peace and respect for humanity. He threw light on the contributions of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri and MQI for promotion of peace and harmony in the world. He apprised the audience that Shaykh-ul-Islam is the only religious leader in Pakistan who founded the tradition of interfaith dialogue and opened the gates of Minhaj-ul-Quran Mosque for the Christian brethren to pray in it following the Prophetic example set some 1400 years ago.
The students of Basharat-e-Ibn-e-Mariam School presented beautiful dances and tableau to strongly covey the message of peace among us and in the world. The children of ABC for All School presented demonstration for peace while holding placards in their hands on which SOPP 2011 and several slogan of peace were written in different colors. All participants admired their presentations.